10 Monthly Payments
September through June payment will be deducted from your credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
automatically each month. No discount for this payment method.
Bi-Annual Payment
3% Discount for 2 payments: September and February
Annual Payment
5% discount for September - June paid in full at registration
Studio J Discounts
Family Discount
Enroll 2 children - receive 5% off second child
Enroll 3 children - receive 5% off second and third child
3-year-old FREE month
3-year-old students dance FREE for 1 month
Payment Policies
Please make all checks payable to STUDIO J ACADEMY OF DANCE. Monthly statements will not be emailed/mailed unless you are a delinquent in your payments.
Tuition is based on a ten-month season, which averages out to three classes per month. This includes all holiday and weather closings, rehearsals and show days.
Refunds and Withdrawals
If you must withdraw from a class, please email before the 1st day of following month or tuition will be automatically charged.
There are no refunds, adjustments or pro-ratings given for discontinued or missed classes. If a student withdraws after the first week, you are responsible for payment for the remainder of the month.